Tierbetreuung in Lend

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Der durchschnittliche Stundenlohn für Tierbetreuung liegt in Lend zwischen €7 und €9.
Marina P.
  • Ab 7
  • Lend
Animal lover since I was 5 years old.
| Hello, my name is Marina, I am 22 years old and I was born in Spain, Barcelona. Therefore, I speak Spanish and Catalan (natives languages), I am fluent in English (B2.2) and I speak a little bit of German (B1). I am currently finishing my Bachelor's degree in psychology here in Graz. In the degree we have studied the affection and love between a person and an animal. I find it fascinating. I have always loved all types of animals, my partners have been fish, a turtle, a canary, a hamster, a guinea pig, a rabbit and currently a kitten. So, I was able to learn from an early age the importance and responsibility of caring for pets. I consider myself an energetic, nature-loving and creative person. And with my cat Missifú I always try to take some time to play, make him do a little sport, comb his hair and regulate his diet. I had a little rabbit that got sick and we had to give him antibiotics, so I'm used to giving the animal medicine. My cousins have a Golden-Labrador and I spend every summer with him. So I don't have a problem with big dogs. My main motivation right now is to squeeze out the time in Graz so I would love to find a job that would help me to achieve my goals here.
Marina betreut unsere zwei Kleinkinder seit Herbst 2020 regelmäßig. Sie ist sehr lieb im Umgang mit den Kindern und sehr zuverlässig! Wir können sie absolut weiterempfehlen!"
... "Mehr
  Christine H.
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